Chapter Three Innovation in Astronomical Instrumentation


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Akhtar Rasool

Innovation in astronomical instrumentation is essential to the progress of astronomy and astrophysics. All physical theories must be tested through experiment, and in astronomy observations ordinarily take the place of laboratory experiments. Advances in our understanding of physical theories require testing those theories in unexplored regions of parameter space; advances in our understanding of astrophysical theories require observations in unobserved regions of parameter space. In short, to advance our knowledge of astronomy and astrophysics requires new and better observations, and this usually requires new and better instruments…

Innovation in astronomical instrumentation is essential to the progress of astronomy and astrophysics. All physical theories must be tested through experiment, and in astronomy observations ordinarily take the place of laboratory experiments. Advances in our understanding of physical theories require testing those theories in unexplored regions of parameter space; advances in our understanding of astrophysical theories require observations in unobserved regions of parameter space. In short, to advance our knowledge of astronomy and astrophysics requires new and better observations, and this usually requires new and better instruments…

Innovation in astronomical instrumentation is essential to the progress of astronomy and astrophysics. All physical theories must be tested through experiment, and in astronomy observations ordinarily take the place of laboratory experiments. Advances in our understanding of physical theories require testing those theories in unexplored regions of parameter space; advances in our understanding of astrophysical theories require observations in unobserved regions of parameter space. In short, to advance our knowledge of astronomy and astrophysics requires new and better observations, and this usually requires new and better instruments…

Innovation in astronomical instrumentation is essential to the progress of astronomy and astrophysics. All physical theories must be tested through experiment, and in astronomy observations ordinarily take the place of laboratory experiments. Advances in our understanding of physical theories require testing those theories in unexplored regions of parameter space; advances in our understanding of astrophysical theories require observations in unobserved regions of parameter space. In short, to advance our knowledge of astronomy and astrophysics requires new and better observations, and this usually requires new and better instruments…

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